Transformation- Having the Right Tools!
Yoga Digest 2016 Transformation- Having the Right Tools! by Cary Caster
As we ring in the New Year, we usually reflect on ways to be our best selves. This requires us to be deeply reflective on how we currently see ourselves and delve thoughtfully into the areas of ourselves that we want to change.
Going through this process requires us to be totally honest and “fess up” to those shortcomings that we’d like to improve upon.
Being very real with ourselves to ultimately bring about positive change usually requires courage, determination, will power and passion to work through “our stuff,” so we can end up manifesting our truest desires. Empowering ourselves with the ability to act on our sincerest wishes and desires, we need some extra tools in our chest! One of the best tools I have come to depend upon for all these introspective aspects of myself is the use of essential oils.
When we take the time to sit quietly, there are certain essential oils that can further ground us and open our minds to more universal thoughts, rather than simply focusing on our daily trials and tribulations, which drag us down emotionally.
Essential oils such as Cedarwood, Frankincense, Spikenard and Sandalwood have dual qualities of quieting the mind while grounding our emotions, allowing the space to restore a sense of spiritual conviction. By steadying our thoughts and bringing us back to our essential selves, we rid the mind of excess worry and analysis. This type of “higher consciousness” thinking helps bring perspective into our lives and transforms us as to a more altruistic state of being.
One thing we all admit to at the New Year is the need for more will power to act out our intentions, rather than succumb to old patterns.
The fiery, revitalizing essential oils of Ginger and Juniper Berry help stimulate one into taking action and helps to drive away doubt and self-defeating attitudes. Thyme essential oil has also been shown to boost confidence and one’s vital life force with its enlivening characteristics!
Starting a fresh slate with uplifting thoughts about what we want to accomplish is always a great beginning, but we usually need some extra courage and confidence to believe in ourselves and boost our morale to overcome defeatist attitudes. Rosemary essential oil is one of the most effective for reinforcing self-identity and instilling self-confidence. Rosemary’s ability to clarify our thoughts and bring purpose to our actions helps us be clear and determined in our convictions. Laurel essential oil is also wonderful for low self-esteem as it influences the heart and adds fire and boldness to our actions.
And of course, where would we be without self-love, forgiveness and passion to live out our lives with intension and meaning.
Sensual and erotic essential oils of Rose, Ylang Ylang and Jasmine are helpful in opening our hearts for self-respect and in creating a euphoric state of being to accept others. Patchouli and Cardamom essential oils have an earthy, spicy element that both grounds us and removes inhibitions to help us let go and be free of constraining thoughts and opinions. It’s vitally important to express ourselves without feeling vulnerable or self-conscious when acting out our passions and desires for living a fulfilling life!
Incorporating essential oils into your New Year regime will definitely help you to actualize your new resolutions for 2016!